A Quiet Winter Sadhana Retreat
The weather is closing in, a fire is crackling in the corner of the room, and the mornings are frosty and crisp – what better time to indulge in a personal winter retreat.
Late June and much of July is Winter Sadhana time at Anahata with a block of five weeks set aside for personal retreat, contemplation and creativity. You can come for the whole time or just a week or two – there’s a discount for a stay of three or more weeks.
We have a very light schedule through this time, leaving lots of time for your own study, personal practice and devotional rituals. Maybe take some time to practice yoga, write, draw, develop business ideas, meditate or play gentle music. It can also be a time of refreshing and renewing, cleansing your system and clearing your mind.
Your sadhana retreat will be essentially self-led, but we will be maintaining a light but regular timetable of practices each week. We have a resident swami available to help guide through afternoon sessions and there will be opportunities to commit to daily karma yoga if you wish – this can reduce the cost of your stay if a commitment of three hours a day of karma yoga is made.
Most practices are done in our straw bale yurt – Atma Mandir – which is a warm, quiet space, also available for personal use when not being used for regular practices. The kitchen serves nourishing, warming vegetarian food, much of which is sourced locally or grown on site – although that’s a bit harder in the winter months on the mountain.
We have a big library of devotional and inspirational books, gathered over many years, with a comfy rocking chair to invite you to read longer by the fire. We are also on the edge of the beautiful Abel Tasman National Park, with opportunities for short or (very) long walks. Winter days are often crisp and clear, making it an ideal time to get out and explore.
We are not currently running this retreat. To see our other exciting upcoming events, click here.