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Developing Resilience Online Course

Are you wanting to improve your ability to withstand life’s challenges? Do you wish you had a greater capacity to cope and adapt to adversity? Are you wanting to intentionally…

Havan (Sacred Fire Ceremony) – Every Saturday

Havan is a traditional fire ceremony to bring balance & healing to our environment as well as to ourselves. Most Saturday Evenings 5:00-7:00pm. As spaces are limited, bookings are essential…

Explore Your ‘Self’ 1 Month Immersion

Are you seeking a profound transformation in your life? Do you long for a healthier, more conscious existence? Are you yearning for valuable life skills that lead to lasting growth?…

Navaratri Seva & Sadhana Retreat

In honour of Navaratri, the twice yearly spiritual celebration of the nine nights of the Goddess; Swami Karma Karuna & Anahata Residents will be hosting this event and the opportunity…

India Retreat 2024

Tattwa Shuddhi Sadhana: A Journey of Elemental Purification Rikhiapeeth Ashram, India The Tattwa Shuddhi course will be led by Swami Karma Karuna under the direct guidance of Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati,…

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